Sunday, January 10, 2010

The beginning

The scene was Mc Cormack and Shmick's restaurant on New year's Eve. I was fighting for my life, having just brought my wife to the brink of what could have been a volcanic exploaion of anger leading to my horrific demise. I, on the other hand, was in a good mood, having just bought a nw Camaro. Which, come to think of it, might have been the reason my life was in such peril.

Needless, I had no option to be a picky eater tonight as that would likely have been the pebble to start an avalanche of pain.

I considered my options, deciding between playing it safe with a steak, or getting adventurous with a piece of tilapia. We went with a seared Ahi tuna app, so my limits were already getting pushed. I decided on a filet.

During conversation with the wiatress, I decided that my resolotion for 2010 was to become more adventurous, mainly with what I consume but could also be experiences as well.

My goal, 50 new things over the course of the year. Roughly 1 per week I guess, though I am not holding it to that.

First some rules.

Mainly, when I say new, the definition of new is somewhat vague I suppose, so I will limit that to anything that I have either never tried before, or haven't tried in at least 10 years.

Now I just need to come up with 50 new things to try. Suggestions would be helpful as I only can think of a few.

I will develop a list and post it when i have enough to start.